5.17 b0 Group Intelligent Constant Pressure Water Supply Parameters

5.17 b0 Group Intelligent Constant Pressure Water Supply Parameters

Variable Frequency Drive Parameter Property Description
✅: Indicates that the setting value of this parameter can be changed when the VFD is in both stopped and running states;
✳️: Indicates that the setting value of this parameter cannot be changed when the VFD is in a running state;
❎: Indicates that the value of this parameter is an actual detection record value and cannot be changed;

b0 Group: Intelligent Variable Frequency Constant Pressure Water Supply Parameters

Function Code Name Setting Range Factory Value Property DEC Address
b0-00 Pressure Sensor Range 0~99.99 Bar (kg) 10.00 45056
b0-01 Target Pressure Digital Setting
Note: Target pressure determined by PA-01
0~99.99 Bar (kg) 5.00 45057
b0-02 Sleep Pressure 0~100.0% (Linked proportionally to target pressure) 100.0% 45058
b0-03 Wake-up Pressure 0~100.0% (Linked proportionally to target pressure) 95.0% 45059
b0-04 Pressure Stability Deviation 0~100.0% (Linked proportionally to target pressure) 2.0% 45060
b0-05 Sleep Delay 0~6553.5s (0: Sleep mode off) 20.0s 45061
b0-06 Wake-up Delay 0~6553.5s 0.0s 45062
b0-07 Pressure Upper Limit Protection Value 0~100.0% (Linked proportionally to target pressure) 10.0% 45063
b0-08 Pressure Upper Limit Protection Shutdown Delay 0~6553.5s (0: Disable detection) 0.3s 45064
b0-09 Frequency Below Target Pressure Protection Delay 0~6553.5s (0: Disable detection) 3.0s 45065
b0-10 Auxiliary Pump Quantity Setting 0~4 (0: Disable one-to-many control) 0 45066
b0-11 Auxiliary Pump Pressure Tolerance 0~100.0% (Linked proportionally to target pressure) 5.0% 45067
b0-12 Auxiliary Pump Start Delay 0~6553.5s 30.0s 45068
b0-13 Auxiliary Pump Pressure Reduction Tolerance 0~100.0% (Linked proportionally to target pressure) 5.0% 45069
b0-14 Auxiliary Pump Stop Delay 0~6553.5s 30.0s 45070
b0-15 Pressure Upper Limit Emergency Auxiliary Pump Reduction Delay
(Preempts normal pump reduction time of b0-14)
0~6553.5s 3.0s 45071

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